16 May 2020 Francisco Javier Alvarez Uria born 1 February 1950 is a Spanish retired Brisson in 1760 with the common murre Uria aalge as the type species. Guillemot marmette Subspecies, Uria aalge hyperborea Salomonsen, 1932.
Stegg av svalbardrype (Lagopus muta hyperborea)// Male Svalbard rock Two common guillemots (Uria aalge) enjoying the short Arctic summer// To lomvier.
11. Isländsk tordmule. Alca torda islandica. 3. 3. Arktisk sillgrissla. Uria aalge hyperborea.
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Kini nga matang hayop na sabwag sa: Amihanang Amerika; Matang nga nahiubos. Ang kaliwatan gibahinbahin ngadto sa matang nga nahiubos: U. a. aalge Conservation Actions Underway Uria aalge ibericus is found on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive. With the implementation of bird protection laws, a slow recovery occurred over much of the Atlantic breeding range up to the early 1970s except in north Norway, the Faeroes and probably Iceland (Nettleship et al. 2018). Conservation Actions Proposed At major colonies, detailed monitoring is needed Ud af totalt 75523 billeder i galleriet opfyldte følgende 107 ovenstående søgningskriterier:.
Isrocka. Raja hyperborea Uria aalge – iberiska populationen (synonymer: Uria aalge albionis, Uria aalge ibericus).
Brunnich's Guillemot, Uria lomvia, detail portrait of white bird with black head sitting on · White bird with black cap, Arctic Tern, Sterna paradisaea, with Arctic
Received 14 July 2008; revision received 1 Mar 2011 2.6.1 ssp. aalge.
Uria aalge hyperborea in Nederland Op 26 november 1988 werd op de Brouwersdam (Schouwen) tijdens een telling van dode vogels op de kust een danig verzwakte, licht met olie be smeurde Zeekoet gevangen die door lichaams grootte, rugkleur, flank-en ondervleugelvlekking opviel. Hetstrandwas opdatmomentbezaaid met
FR: guillemot de Troïl, guillemot à capuchon. guillemot marmette, marmette commune. LA: Uria aalge (var. U. albionis/intermedia/ hyperborea). SV: sillkung. I. lomvia.
Contagens de aves marinhas no Arquipélago das Berlengas arau-comum (Uria
mens of the northern race of the Guillemot Uria aalge hyperborea found in the Netherlands. One is a rather large individual showing characters ofalbionis or aalge and the other has probably a rather northerly Norwe gian origin. The problems of assigning the populations of northern Norway either to nominate aalge or to hy perborea are mentioned.
Tetrapak allabolag
Salom. -North Atlantic common murre. Uria aalge hyperborea Salornonsen, 1932, Ibis: 130 (Bear Island); Spangenberg, 1941.
Bjørnøya is the most important breeding area for the common guillemot in Svalbard and the entire Barents Sea. On Bjørnøya, it breeds in large colonies on ledges and plateaus, often together with the Brünnich’s guillemot. Uria aalge hyperborea (n Norway to Svalbard and nw Russia) Uria aalge albionis (British Isles to w Iberian Pen.) Uria aalge inornata (e Korea, Japan through the Bering Sea to w Alaska and sw Canada)
Uria aalge hyperborea, the northern race of the Guillemot, has been claimed to have occurred in Britain on a small number of occasions, but the race is not at present on the British List. The
Uria aalge Show related species. subspecies; Common Murre ssp inornata - Uria aalge inornata; Atlantic Murre - Uria aalge aalge; Common Murre ssp hyperborea - Uria aalge hyperborea
Uria aalge hyperborea (n Norway to Svalbard and nw Russia) Uria aalge albionis (British Isles to w Iberian Pen.) Uria aalge inornata (e Korea, Japan through the Bering Sea to w Alaska and sw Canada)
asturianu: Arau български: Тънкоклюна кайра brezhoneg: Erev beg hir català: Somorgollaire čeština: Alkoun úzkozobý Cymraeg: Gwylog dansk: Lomvie
Uria aalge hyperborea (arktisk sillgrissla) – häckar på Svalbard, i norra Norge och i norra Ryssland österut till Novaja Zemlja.
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alke ( Alca torda ) , lomvi ( Uria aalge ) , lunde ( Fratercula arctica ) og måker Cochlearia officinalis - type Stortareskog ( Laminaria hyperborea )
Uria aalge californica: Uria aalge hyperborea: Uria aalge ibericus: Uria aalge ibericus Bernis 1948: Uria aalge inornata: Uria aalge subsp. aalge: Uria aalge subsp. aalge (Pontoppidan, 1763) Uria aalge subsp. californica: Uria aalge subsp.
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Disclaimer: The Animal Diversity Web is an educational resource written largely by and for college students.ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts.
Utforska mer: Artbestämning. 1Fyndkarta. Rapportera fynd. Lägg till Mina arter. NA. Rödlistning 2020 Uria aalge hyperborea och Uria aalge aalge. Ur F. Salomonsen: The Atlantic Alcidae. Sid. 51.
Stegg av svalbardrype (Lagopus muta hyperborea)// Male Svalbard rock Two common guillemots (Uria aalge) enjoying the short Arctic summer// To lomvier.
hyperborea. Bjørnøya is the most important breeding area for the common guillemot in Svalbard and the entire Barents Sea. On Bjørnøya, it breeds in large colonies on ledges and plateaus, often together with the Brünnich’s guillemot.
Vanlig Musse Björklund 2006-11-02.