Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI, said: 'Domestic competition and reduced government spending on fleet modernization were two of 


‘Arms sales by Almaz-Antey, the largest arms producer in Russia, continued to grow in 2018,’ says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher for SIPRI’s Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. ‘This increase was due not only to strong domestic demand, but also to continued growth in sales to other countries, particularly of the S-400 air defence system.’

Enligt Sipriforskaren Alexandra Kuimova har det även att göra med en inhemsk konkurrens och minskad statsbudget för en modernisering av flottan 2019. Rapporten visar också hur flera av de största vapenföretagen placerar dotterbolag i mellan- och låginkomstländer. The Black Sea region is experiencing a changing military balance. The six littoral states (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine) intensified their efforts to build up their military potential after Russia’s takeover of Crimea and the start of the internationalized civil war in eastern Ukraine in 2014. ‘At 3.9 per cent of its GDP, Russia’s military spending burden was among the highest in Europe in 2019,’ says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI.

Alexandra kuimova sipri

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--. Ryssland. Sipri, visar att vapenexporten från USA och Frankrike vuxit markant. den ryska vapenexporten, säger Alexandra Kuimova, forskare på Sipri. Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI, said: 'Domestic competition and reduced government spending on fleet modernization were two of  Enligt forskaren Alexandra Kuimova, SIPRI, var ökad inhemsk konkurrens och minskade offentliga utgifter för modernisering av ryska flottan två  Enligt Sipriforskaren Alexandra Kuimova har det även att göra med en inhemsk konkurrens och minskad statsbudget för en modernisering av  "Med 3,9 procent av BNP var Rysslands militära utgiftsbörda bland de högsta i Europa 2019", säger Alexandra Kuimova, forskare vid SIPRI. Flyktiga militära  Detta har lett till en markant nedgång för vapenexporten”, säger Alexandra Kuimova, forskare på SIPRI. ”Minskningen kompenserades inte av  Alexandra Kuimova Retweeted SIPRI.

2020-12-07 The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) report on major arms transfers from 2016-2020 revealed virtually no change in the overall volume transfers from the 2011-2015 period. However, it did note significant increases in arms exports from the United States (US), France, and Germany and decreases from Russia and China. “At 3.9 per cent of its GDP, Russia’s military spending burden was among the highest in Europe in 2019,” says Alexandra Kuimova.

The data is accessible on the Military Expenditure Database page of SIPRI's the highest in Europe in 2019,' says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI.

alexandra kuimova and siemon t. wezeman* December 2018. SIPRI Background Paper. The security environment in the wider Black Sea region—which brings together the six littoral states (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey .

Alexandra kuimova sipri

Join SIPRI's Pieter Wezeman and Alexandra Kuimova on 24 March at 18:00 CET for a virtual lecture hosted by Utrikespolitiska Föreningen Stockholm (UFStockholm): WED, MAR 24 AT 6:00 PM UTC+01 Trends in international arms transfers, an assessment by SIPRI

Alexandra kuimova sipri

Enligt Sipriforskaren Alexandra Kuimova har det även att göra med en inhemsk konkurrens och minskad statsbudget för en modernisering av flottan 2019.

Siemon T. Wezeman is a Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
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Alexandra kuimova sipri

It said the drop in Indian arms imports seemed to have been the result of the country's complex procurement processes combined with an attempt to reduce its dependence on Russian arms.Get latest In 2019 Russia was the fourth-largest spender in the world and increased its military expenditure by 4.5 per cent to $65.1 billion. ‘At 3.9 per cent of its GDP, Russia’s military spending burden was among the highest in Europe in 2019,’ says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI.

A new SIPRI Background Paper by Alexandra Kuimova provides an in-depth analysis of the official military spending figures for Egypt, highlighting the gaps and shortcomings in the data reported by the ‘At 3.9 per cent of its GDP, Russia’s military spending burden was among the highest in Europe in 2019,’ says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI. 2020-12-07 · Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI, said: “Domestic competition and reduced government spending on fleet modernization were two of the main challenges for United Shipbuilding in 2019.” For World military expenditure is estimated to have reached $1739 billion in 2017, the highest level since the end of the cold war, equivalent to 2.2 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) or $230 per person. Today at 18:00 CET, join SIPRI's Pieter Wezeman and Alexandra Kuimova for a virtual lecture on trends in international # ArmsTransfers.The lecture is hosted by Utrikespolitiska Föreningen Stockholm (UFStockholm) and will be held via Zoom: Recipient developments, 2018 Siemon T. Wezeman, Aude Fleurant, Alexandra Kuimova, Nan Tian and Pieter D. Wezeman IV. Transparency in arms transfers Mark Bromley and Siemon T. Wezeman Join SIPRI's Pieter Wezeman and Alexandra Kuimova on 24 March at 18:00 CET for a virtual lecture hosted by Utrikespolitiska Föreningen Stockholm (UFStockholm): WED, MAR 24 AT 6:00 PM UTC+01 Trends in international arms transfers, an assessment by SIPRI “Russia substantially increased its arms transfers to China, Algeria and Egypt between 2011–15 and 2016–20, but this did not offset the large drop in its arms exports to India,” said Alexandra Kuimova, researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Alexandra Kuimova (Russia) is a Research Assistant with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme.
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Today at 18:00 CET, join SIPRI's Pieter Wezeman and Alexandra Kuimova for a virtual lecture on trends in international #ArmsTransfers. The lecture is hosted by Utrikespolitiska Föreningen Stockholm

15 Mar 2021. Type. Factsheets and summaries.

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SIPRI Fact Sheet May 2019 MILITARY SPENDING AND ARMS IMPORTS BY IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, QATAR AND THE UAE pieter d. wezeman and alexandra kuimova INTRODUCTION Tense relations between Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are a major cause for concern regarding stability, security

Read Full Story of Business India News 2021-03-15 The Sipri report shows that countries in the Middle East have been stepping up their weapons import by 61 percent compared to the years before, with Saudi Arabia being the biggest importer worldwide. "Half of the US arms exports in the past five years went to the Middle East, and half of those went to Saudia Arabia," says Pieter D. Wezeman, senior researcher at Sipri.

Alexandra Kuimova is a Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Her areas of research include the monitoring of arms transfers, military spending and arms industry, foreign and defence policies, with particular focus on the Middle East and North Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe.

Promoted. Mar 15, 2021 Latest News on Alexandra Kuimova, Read more information on Alexandra India's import of arms decreases by 33 per cent, says SIPRI. Sep 3, 2020 long-term recipient of Russian major arms—which has led to a sharp reduction in arms exports,' says Alexandra Kuimova, SIPRI Researcher. Dec 12, 2020 Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI, said: 'Domestic competition and reduced government spending on fleet modernization were two of  Mar 15, 2021 the large drop in its arms exports to India," said Alexandra Kuimova, a researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. May 2, 2020 Regarding Russia's rise in the ranking as a consequence of a hike of 4.5 percent over the last year, SIPRI researcher Alexandra Kuimova said  Apr 27, 2020 its increased military spending," said Siemon T Wezeman, SIPRI Senior in Europe in 2019," said Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI. May 29, 2020 According to Alexandra Kuimova, a researcher with SIPRI's Arms and Military Expenditure Program, the number of African countries buying  The data is accessible on the Military Expenditure Database page of SIPRI's the highest in Europe in 2019,' says Alexandra Kuimova, Researcher at SIPRI.

Alexandra Kuimova (Russia) is a Research Assistant with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Working with the SIPRI Military Expenditure, Arms Industry and Arms Transfers Databases, she focuses on developments in the Middle East and North Africa region, and post-Soviet states. SIPRI Fact Sheet May 2019 MILITARY SPENDING AND ARMS IMPORTS BY IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, QATAR AND THE UAE pieter d.